Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Glaucoma as a Medical Disability

Employees’ contribution to the society is well recognized that various laws are implemented. These laws are aimed at protecting their rights especially when they are disabled hence unable to work.

One disability that employees may encounter is glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease in the optic nerve, which can cause permanent blindness if untreated. In fact, it is the leading cause of blindness in the world.

If glaucoma is recognized as a medical disability, an employee must be given necessary accommodations by the employer. An employee must be afforded the time for medical appointments, provided with Braille materials or adaptive computer software or given reasonable time off.

Most people at high risks for glaucoma are those over 60 years old or those who have family history of it.

As glaucoma is a disability, you have the right to be given necessary considerations. If you feel like being discriminated against, then the law gives you the right to sue your employer.