Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lilly Ledbetter bill, a Move for Fair Pay

Some of us may still remember the story of Lilly Ledbetter. She was once a supervisor in Goodyear Tire plant who discovered that for several years that she had been working in the said company – she was receiving far less than her male contemporaries.

She sued the company in courts. Theory of the case is discrimination in terms of payment. The courts agreed with her, that indeed this was a case of discriminatory pay practices. But upon reaching the Supreme Court, the highest tribunal overturned the decision of lower courts.

The Court said that according to the law, Ledbetter should have filed the discrimination complaint the moment the discriminatory act began.

The Supreme Court, understandably bound by law, didn’t consider the argument that she couldn’t have filed the same on time as she had no way of knowing that a discriminatory act was being committed against her.

Ledbetter lost in her battle.

Taking notice of the soundness and logic of Ledbetter’s situation, a bill was made in her name and recently, the Senate voted on it to become the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Restoration Act. It substantially provides that each new paycheck be subject to a discrimination complaint.

Presently, the issue of fair pay and discrimination against women reaches the political debate.

It is likely that new legislation and measures in labor and employment laws will take place considering the economic downturn that the country, nay, the world, is experiencing. With the feisty campaign, economic situation and all the others that are happening out there – one can only hope and pray.