Monday, October 19, 2009

Local Unions Charged With Discriminatory and Unfair Labor Practices

Unions such as the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters, San Diego Building & Construction Trades Council, and the AFL-CIO have been charged with unfair labor practices by a national anti-union organization, National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation.

The unfair labor claim, which was filed on behalf of Wesley Fuller, an employee of San Diego's Brady Co who is not a member of the union, alleged that the “Project Stabilization Agreement” is discriminatory.

The charges claimed that the policy dictating hiring terms for the work under the San Diego school district's $2.1 billion Proposition S bond measure would only enrich union officials and deprive non-union workers and employers.

Fuller, despite having completed all state apprenticeship requirements, was denied Proposition S work because his apprenticeship program was not established through a union.

The disputed labor agreement will take effect on all Proposition S projects that will exceed $1 million.